Social Justice Fund

Royal Northern College of Music Sony Music Social Justice Fund

The Royal Northern College of Music (RNCM) is a conservatoire located in Manchester. Established 50 years ago, RNCM is a Manchester icon and the premier music training ground for the North. Each year, they train over 900 outstanding students from over 40 countries, who go on to shape influential careers in music and beyond.

Impact at a glance

The partnership between RNCM and Sony Music UK’s Social Justice Fund has enabled the Young Artists Saturday Programme to run for three years. The programme focuses on children aged 11-18 from under-served communities and offers both subsidised places and travel bursaries for selected recipients. 

The programme expands on RNCM’s work to develop world-class artists and creative practitioners who can help drive the music industry forward in a relevant and inclusive way. The funding means the whole programme is subsidised, enabling no-fee places for half of the participants and a highly discounted place for the remaining 50%.

Find out more about RNCM here.
